We are excited to announce registration is now open for the free virtual Fort Detrick Alliance/FITCI Tech Showcase next Thursday, October 29 at 4 p.m. REGISTER here to receive your link to access the event. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fitcifort-detrick-alliance-tech-showcase-tickets-126342611151 Celebrate the acceleration of technology between the labs at Fort Detrick and the Frederick business community. The 12th Annual Fort Detrick Alliance and FITCI Tech Showcase will be streamed, on October 29th at 4 p.m. LIVE, from the Frederick Innovative Technology Center!
This year’s event will feature a keynote speech from Brigadier General Michael J. Talley, Commanding General United States Army Medical Research and Development Command Fort Detrick, who will discuss the work the Fort has done in combating COVID-19 and the technological innovations the military has developed to assist the pandemic. In addition to BG Talley’s speech, Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner, and City of Frederick Mayor Michael O’Connor will also speak at this notable event. Kathie Callahan Brady, FITCI CEO, will present The Edge community accelerator winner with a cash award and Jennifer Staiger, Fort Detrick Alliance President, will announce the winners of the Alliance’s Hoke Award, as well as an Innovator of the Year award. Thank you to our sponsors: Tunnell Government Solutions, Frederick County, MD, Frederick County Office of Economic Development, City of Frederick and City of Frederick Department of Economic Development. Registration is also still open for Business Success Stories in a Covid Market. REGISTER surveymonkey.com/r/FDAVirtualPanel for this FREE event. In the SurveyMonkey, please indicate which breakout session you would like to participate in. Business Success Stories in a COVID Market Engage with business leaders who have successfully navigated challenges in a pandemic marketplace. Panelists will discuss challenges, marketing tips, and innovative ways to keep employees safe and businesses thriving. Attendees will interact with panelists in breakout rooms to glean tips for their own industry or agency. Webinar Schedule
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