US Army Garrison Fort Detrick
USAG Fort Detrick is a United States Army Futures Command installation located in Frederick, Maryland. It was historically the center of the U.S. Biological weapons program from 1943 to 19691. Since the discontinuation of that program, it has hosted most elements of the United States biological defense program. |
US Army Medical Research and Development Command
USAMRDC manages and executes research in five basic areas: military infectious diseases, combat casualty care, military operational medicine, chemical biological defense, and clinical and rehabilitative medicine. |
National Cancer Institute
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) maintains a biomedical research campus in Frederick, Maryland, about 40 miles northwest of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) main campus in Bethesda, Maryland. NCI Frederick is home to several federal government laboratories owned by NCI including the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR), a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC). FNLCR conducts high priority biomedical research on cancer and infectious diseases on behalf of the federal government in response to emerging and emergency public health threats. |
USDA - ARS (Agricultural Research Service
The USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit has two distinct missions united by a common relationship to plant pathology and the unit’s unique BSL-3 plant pathogen containment laboratory and greenhouse facilities. The mission of the foreign disease program is to develop techniques for the rapid detection and identification of new and emerging crop pathogens, and to provide fundamental information on the biology and epidemiology of emerging pathogens for risk assessment and disease management strategies including the development of resistant plants. The mission of the weed biological control program is to collect foreign pathogens overseas from weeds in their native habitat, and to evaluate, characterize and release the pathogens in the U.S. for biological control of introduced weeds, leading to improved, sustainable weed control practices in agricultural systems with reduced dependence on chemical herbicides. |
The City of Frederick- Department of Economic Development
The City of Frederick is home to over 3,700 businesses and world-class facilities, including the Fort Detrick Biodefense Campus and the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. Positioned atop the 270 Tech Corridor, the city has become an east coast hub for discovery and innovation. The City of Frederick is also fortunate to boast a living, breathing historic district. The beautiful, nearly three century old streets lay stage to a booming business sector and a thriving food, craft beverage, and arts & entertainment scene. The City’s Department of Economic Development is proud of Frederick’s story and ready to work together to write the next chapter. |
Fort Detrick Alliance. All Rights Reserved.
PO Box 822 | Frederick, Maryland 21705 301.788.9896 Email: [email protected] | sitemap |